
Something in the water—life after mercury poisoning

From 1932 to 1968, hundreds of tonnes of mercury seeped into the clear waters of Minamata Bay, Japan, causing health and environmental problems still felt today. As the first global treaty on mercury finally comes into force, ...

A solid pathway toward hydrogen storage

An inexpensive and useful layered superconductor compound also may be an efficient solid-state material for storing hydrogen. The Department of Energy's (DOE) Energy Materials Network (EMN) consortium approach to accelerate ...

Maintaining high status can spur bribery

Understanding what causes and predicates the bribery of government officials by high-level corporate executives has always been tricky. Self-reporting, even on anonymous surveys, is unreliable and data hard to come by.

A practical optimisation algorithm for big data applications

Numerous science and engineering applications require finding the lowest or highest value of a mathematical model. This is usually obtained computationally by running an optimisation algorithm. When working with big data ...

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