
Measuring an animal's pain

A new device designed by engineers and veterinarians at Massey University seeks to change the way we understand animal pain, starting with sheep.

Physics discovery unlocks ingredients of 2-D 'sandwich'

Everything that exists in the digital world—photos, tweets, online courses, this article—is stored as 1's and 0's. At the software level, this information is written as computer code. At the hardware level, that code ...

Image: Spectacular aurora from orbit

Expedition 52 Flight Engineer Jack Fischer of NASA shared photos and time-lapse video of a glowing green aurora seen from his vantage point 250 miles up, aboard the International Space Station.

NASA solves a drizzle riddle

A new NASA study shows that updrafts are more important than previously understood in determining what makes clouds produce drizzle instead of full-sized raindrops, overturning a common assumption.

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