
Citing cyber 'revolution,' Obama issues attack response plan

The White House warned Tuesday of a "revolution" of computer-generated threats to the U.S. stoked by growing cyber aggression by traditional U.S. foes like Russia and North Korea, and issued a color-coded response plan for ...

Animation library to increase science literacy in Victoria

Addressing a strong demand within the STEM community for meaningful and accessible education tools—especially around complex topics, the project will offer valuable teaching and learning resources to schools and universities ...

Japanese tadpoles relax in hot springs

Japanese tadpoles can live and grow in natural hots springs, or onsen, with water temperatures as high as 46.1oC (115oF). Living in onsen may benefit the tadpoles' immune systems, speed their growth, and allow the tadpoles ...

Novel state of matter: Observation of a quantum spin liquid

A novel and rare state of matter known as a quantum spin liquid has been empirically demonstrated in a monocrystal of the compound calcium-chromium oxide by team at HZB. According to conventional understanding, a quantum ...

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