
Enceladus rains water onto Saturn

(PhysOrg.com) -- ESA's Herschel space observatory has shown that water expelled from the moon Enceladus forms a giant torus of water vapour around Saturn. The discovery solves a 14-year mystery by identifying the source of ...

How dinosaurs put proteins into long-term storage

(PhysOrg.com) -- How does one prove that the protein isolated from a 68-million-year-old dinosaur bone is not a contamination from the intervening millenia or from the lab?

Grafting olfactory receptors onto nanotubes

(PhysOrg.com) -- Penn researchers have helped develop a nanotech device that combines carbon nanotubes with olfactory receptor proteins, the cell components in the nose that detect odors.

To an asteroid, and beyond

The asteroid 1999 RQ36 may not be a household name, but astronomers predict that in less than 200 years, it may make an unforgettable impact. According to radar and optical observations, the space rock, measuring some five ...

Eucalyptus genetic secrets unlocked

The world’s most farmed tree has had its genome read, opening the way to new breeding, biofuel, and conservation opportunities.

Physicists excited by hints of Higgs boson existence

Birmingham particle physicists are today trawling through the data from particle collisions at the Large Hadron Collider that could indicate the existence of the Higgs boson. 

Sea squirt cells shed light on cancer development

Specialized structures used by cancer cells to invade tissues could also help them escape protection mechanisms aimed at eliminating them, a UA-led research team has discovered.

Frugal companies are consistent, not reactive, study says

(PhysOrg.com) -- Frugal companies succeed commercially in part because they consistently control spending and are resourceful with people and products rather than cutting costs reactively, according to a new UC Davis study.

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