
How dinosaurs may have evolved into birds

Tohoku University researchers and their international collaborators have identified a possible genetic mechanism underlying the evolution of birds, according to a recently published study in Nature Communications.

Solid acetylene reagent for laboratory applications

Acetylene is one of the primary starting materials for chemical synthesis. However, acetylene is a highly flammable gas, dangerous and difficult to use in regular research laboratories. A novel solid acetylene regent has ...

New metamaterial-enhanced MRI technique tested on humans

Scientists from the Netherlands and Russia have designed and tested a new metasurface-based technology for enhancing the local sensitivity of MRI scanners on humans for the first time. The metasurface consists of thin resonant ...

Toward mass-producible quantum computers

Quantum computers are experimental devices that offer large speedups on some computational problems. One promising approach to building them involves harnessing nanometer-scale atomic defects in diamond materials.

DNA ladders: Inexpensive molecular rulers for DNA research

New, license-free DNA ladders will allow researchers to estimate the size of fragments of DNA for a fraction of the cost of currently available methods. A research team of undergraduate students led by Penn State Professor ...

Knowledge gap on the origin of sex

There are significant gaps in our knowledge on the evolution of sex, according to a research review on sex chromosomes from Lund University in Sweden. Even after more than a century of study, researchers do not know enough ...

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