
Pandemic Moneyball: How COVID-19 has affected baseball odds

The ground-breaking 2004 book "Moneyball," by Michael Lewis, exposed the use of advanced baseball statistics by the Oakland A's and the team's general manager, Billy Beane, to excel in the competitive Major League Baseball ...

Chernobyl clean-up could be helped by new X-ray analysis approach

On the 35th anniversary of one of the world's worst nuclear disasters, new research has been published that could help to contain and clean up the most dangerous radioactive materials that still remain at the site in Chernobyl.

Giving a voice to Latina immigrant mothers affected by COVID-19

For several years, Ph.D. student Abigail Palmer Molina has focused her dissertation study on the experiences of mothers participating in an intervention for maternal depression, implemented as part of the Head Start program ...

Researchers deepen understanding of cellular stress responses

Chronic stress caused by changing temperatures, Alzheimer's disease or other diseases and forces is an unavoidable part of life. At the cellular level, the "first responders" to stress are known as molecular chaperones. Yet ...

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