
Switzerland sends chocolate into space

In addition to high precision and a desire to tidy things up, another Swiss value enters the space world: milk chocolate. A box containing six little bars of brand-name chocolate was recently given to each astronaut on the ...

Monitoring toxic chemicals in coastal waters to protect wildlife

More investment is needed to develop better analytical tests to measure, and therefore help control, the amount of toxic chemicals called organotins that enter the environment, according to a review published in Trends in ...

Nokia to buy France's Withings in $190 million deal

In a move to speed its entry into digital health products, Nokia says it plans to acquire the French consumer electronics company Withings S.A., in a 170 million-euro ($191 million) deal.

Heartworm is a concern for dogs, cats, and even ferrets

No matter where you live or what time of year it is, your dog, cat or ferret can contract heartworm. April is Heartworm Awareness Month, so it's a good time to learn about the risks and how to prevent infection.

Could Earth's light blue color be a signature of life?

In 1990, Voyager 1 captured the most distant portrait of our planet ever taken, revealing that from beyond Pluto's orbit, Earth appears as nothing more than a "pale blue dot." In a new study, researchers have tested whether ...

Helping cities cool down

Louisville could significantly reduce the number of people who die annually from heat-related deaths, under a series of recommendations that could also help other cities around the world respond to the growing hazards of ...

Roof racks a drag on fuel economy

As you get ready to hit the road this summer, with the kids loaded inside and the bikes strapped to the roof of your car, you may want to stop and consider that the roof rack on your car may be costing you as much as 25 percent ...

Dinosaur die-off not a result of volcanoes, new study says

A new study suggests that volcanic eruptions did not lead to the extinction of the dinosaurs, and also demonstrates that Earth's oceans are capable of absorbing large amounts of carbon dioxide—provided it is released gradually ...

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