
Survival through a biochemical shortcut

A research team headed by Teymuras Kurzchalia at the MPI-CBG in Dresden found that nematodes and yeast can survive extreme desiccation by taking advantage of a metabolic shortcut, the glyoxylate shunt. This alternate metabolic ...

SK Hynix posts lowest earnings in three years

SK Hynix Inc., the world's second largest chipmaker, posted its lowest quarterly profit in three years Tuesday, as slowing computer and smartphone demand hit chip prices.

Chernobyl, three decades on

It was 30 years ago that a meltdown at the V. I. Lenin Nuclear Power Station in the former Soviet Union released radioactive contaminants into the surroundings in northern Ukraine. Airborne contamination from what is now ...

French company scores huge Australian submarine contract

Australia's largest-ever defense contract has gone to a French shipbuilder to produce a new generation of submarines, thrilling officials in Paris and inaugurating half a century of close defense cooperation between the nations.

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