
Using electron beams to encode data in nanocrystals

Ferroelectric materials have an intrinsic electrical polarization caused by a small shift in the position of some of their atoms that occurs below a critical point called the Curie temperature. This polarization can be switched ...

On track to climate prediction

In a new study published in Tellus A, Francois Counillon and co-authors at the Bjerknes Centre are testing seasonal-to-decadal prediction.

New magnetic materials for extracting energy from tides

The objective of the MAGNETIDE project is to develop a new type of generator that transforms the mechanical energy produced by the movement of the tides into electric energy. Researchers have modified the generator's design ...

A wet Moon

The Moon's status as a "dry" rock in space has long been questioned. Competing theories abound as to the source of the H20 in the lunar soil, including delivery of water to the Moon by comets.

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