
EU consumers 'export' environment damage to Eastern neighbors

European Union (EU) consumers are "exporting" negative environmental impacts to their Eastern European neighbors, while keeping the bulk of economic benefits linked to consuming goods and services, a new study reveals.

AI technology generates original proteins from scratch

Scientists have created an AI system capable of generating artificial enzymes from scratch. In laboratory tests, some of these enzymes worked as well as those found in nature, even when their artificially generated amino ...

New AI tool makes speedy gene-editing possible

An artificial intelligence program may enable the first simple production of customizable proteins called zinc fingers to treat diseases by turning genes on and off.

Farming more seaweed to be food, feed and fuel

A University of Queensland–led study has shown that expanding global seaweed farming could go a long way to addressing the planet's food security, biodiversity loss and climate change challenges.

Cat-egorizing play and genuine fighting in cats

The behavior of cat interactions has been categorized into playful, aggressive and intermediate groups that may help owners distinguish between play and genuine fighting. The study, published in Scientific Reports, suggests ...

Training ants to sniff out cancerous tumors in mice

A team of researchers from Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, Université Paris-Saclay and Institut Universitaire de France has found that it is possible train ants to sniff out cancerous tumors in mice. In their study, published ...

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