
Physicists discover new physical effect

Scientists have found that a perpendicular magnetic field makes electrically neutral quasiparticles (excitons) in semiconductors behave like electrons in the Hall effect. This discovery will help researchers to study the ...

Study finds overidentification skews online job reviews

Corporate consultants have preached "aligning" oneself with one's workplace for decades. And a new study shows how far some have taken the notion, to the point they are quite willing to tell flattering lies about their organization ...

Can dogs rapidly learn words?

A new study shows that talented dogs can learn new words after hearing them only four times. While preliminary evidence seems to show that most dogs do not learn words (i.e., names of objects), unless very extensively trained, ...

In search of stable liquids

Most liquids are in suspension. Particles too small to see by naked eye swirl everywhere as gravity and temperature changes move them around. Keeping liquids from separating can be a hassle for the foods we buy in the supermarket, ...

People follow a crowd, no matter its politics

Amid the clamor of political polarization and mistrust, new Cornell Tech research has found cause for optimism: When it comes to evaluating news, people tend to trust the opinions of a large group whether it's composed of ...

The high cost of online attacks against women

When Parkland, Fla., high school student Emma Gonzalez spoke forcefully against gun violence in 2018 after the mass shooting at her high school, the video of her plea went viral. She received acclaim and hundreds of thousands ...

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