
Bioarchaeologist comes face-to-face with King Tut

Andrew Nelson studies bioarchaeology, in part, because it allows him to understand how people lived thousands of years ago. And while he has traveled the world investigating ancient mummies, his latest adventure with King ...

Nascent gas giant planets may be lurking in dusty disk

Nurseries for new planets, protostellar disks are oblate swathes of gas and dust that rotate about newly formed stars. The Earth and the other planets in the solar system were birthed from such a disk.

How bacteriophage resistance shapes Salmonella populations

Researchers from the Quadram Institute and the University of East Anglia have uncovered how resistance has helped drive the emergence of dominant strains of Salmonella. In addition to antimicrobial resistance, resistance ...

Corruption fuels carbon dioxide emissions in Asia: Study

Widespread corruption is preventing Asian countries from effectively implementing measures to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions that are known to contribute to global warming, new research suggests.

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