
Paleolithic elephant butchering site found in Greece

A new Lower Paleolithic elephant butchering site, Marathousa 1, has been discovered in Megalopolis, Greece, by a joint team of researchers from the Ephorate of Paleoanthropology and Speleology (Greek Ministry of Culture) ...

Image: NIRSpec on the James Webb Space Telescope

Europe's NIRSpec instrument will be launched in 2018 as part of the NASA–ESA James Webb Space Telescope. This week, in recognition of the UN International Year of Light, a NIRSpec model is among the cutting-edge optical ...

Will we have to rewrite Einstein's theory of general relativity?

Einstein famously laboured hard to create the theory of general relativity, but it is less well known that he also helped to launch quantum mechanics, which he didn't much care for. These two views of the world are the very ...

Why are we more divided than ever on climate change?

Pundits have reminded us that "all politics is local" since American newspaper columnist Byron Price first used the phrase in 1932 to explain how hometown issues and economics shape national elections.

Nanoparticles simplify DNA identification and quantification

In an article published in Small, researchers successfully applied a new qualitative and quantitative method for the detection of a DNA sequence characteristic of Leishmania infantum kinetoplast, a frequent parasite in veterinary ...

Can eating less meat help reduce climate change?

There are 19 billion chickens on the planet and billions of pigs and cattle. Their effect on producing greenhouse gasses is already greater than all emissions from transport including airplanes.

Dynamic calibration of pressure sensors for engines

The characterisation of the pressure sensors used to develop the next generation of petrol and diesel engines is crucial to optimising their design, improving efficiency and reducing emissions. The National Physical Laboratory ...

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