
Lazarus frog resurrection in Time's Top 25

A UNSW-led team of Australian researchers who succeeded in growing cloned embryos containing the DNA of an extinct frog has been named in Time magazine's top 25 inventions for 2013.

Southern Alps glaciers reducing rapidly

Historic records show Franz Josef Glacier retreated three kilometres in the last century and mathematical modeling indicates it is likely to retreat even more this century.

Engineers synthesize antibodies with carbon nanotubes

MIT chemical engineers have developed a novel way to generate nanoparticles that can recognize specific molecules, opening up a new approach to building durable sensors for many different compounds, among other applications.

CSI for invasive species

(Phys.org) —Several Canadian biologists, including two at Simon Fraser University, are breathing a collective sigh of relief after learning that a monstrous fish found in a Burnaby, B.C. pond is not a northern snakehead.

The long shot of life elsewhere

Recent research suggests that there may be as many as 40 billion habitable planets in our galaxy. A number that large has some scientists speculating that the universe might be teeming with life.

How the early embryo changes shape

(Phys.org) —In research published today in Nature Cell Biology, scientists from the EMBL Australia research team based at Monash University's Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute (ARMI) have revealed new insights ...

Monitoring endangered species to extinction

Three leading Australian environmental scientists have called for a substantial change to the way the world responds to wildlife that is going extinct.

Galactic clusters low on hydrogen

Astronomers at Swinburne University of Technology and their international collaborators have found evidence that galaxies that are located in groups might be running out of gas.

More gases erupt from rumbling Indonesian volcano

Powerful bursts of hot ash and gravel erupted from a rumbling volcano in western Indonesia early Monday, sending panicked villagers streaming down the sides of the mountain.

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