
A closer look at antibiotic resistant genes in the air

While the issue of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in water has long been studied, relatively little attention has been paid to airborne ARGs, despite its potential to pose a significant threat to public health. A team ...

New study uncovers the interaction of calcium channels

Korean researchers have identified the interactions of the combinants among calcium channel proteins that exist in nerve and heart cells. The result opened a new path of developing treatments for high blood pressure and brain ...

Simple, effective Earth-system modeling

To assess long-range risks to food, water, energy and other critical natural resources, decision-makers often rely on Earth-system models capable of producing reliable projections of regional and global environmental changes ...

Image: Cheops in the Maxwell chamber

ESA's exoplanet-characterising Cheops satellite being prepared for electromagnetic compatibility testing inside the Maxwell chamber at ESTEC, the Agency's technical heart in Noordwijk, the Netherlands.

A novel approach to recycling construction waste

The construction industry is one of the most resource-intensive sectors of the German economy. The nation's buildings constitute a vast store of raw materials, harboring some 100 billion metric tons of materials that could ...

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