
Pumped-storage hydroelectricity systems in buildings

Pumped-storage hydroelectricity systems are to be found throughout the world, but always on a large scale. Guilherme Silva and Patrick Hendrick, researchers from the ULB Brussels School of Engineering, investigated whether ...

Microbe hunters discover iron-munching microbe

A microbe that 'eats' both methane and iron: microbiologists have long suspected its existence, but were not able to find it - until now. Researchers at Radboud University and the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology ...

Study reveals human ability to make ourselves sound bigger

Research from the University of Sussex suggests that humans are unique among primates in being able to intentionally alter the frequencies of our voices to sound larger or smaller than we really are, a capacity that is likely ...

Researcher discusses the transition from gas to electric motors

Electric motors have been around since Thomas Davenport built the first functional model in 1834, and they have played a growing part in our lives ever since. Today, they continue to replace diesel and gas engines, as well ...

Professor creates self-folding, origami robots

Sam Felton envisions a world in which temporary housing would autonomously constructed, and origami robots would fold themselves into 3-D machines for space exploration. Based on the research he's doneā€”and the origami robots ...

Researchers discover new rules for quasicrystals

Crystals are defined by their repeating, symmetrical patterns and long-range order. Unlike amorphous materials, in which atoms are randomly packed together, the atoms in a crystal are arranged in a predictable way. Quasicrystals ...

Turning CO2 to stone

Earth has limits to the amount of carbon dioxide in its atmosphere before the environment as we know it starts to change. Too much CO2 absorbed by the oceans makes the water more acidic. Too much in the atmosphere warms the ...

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