
China plans to launch national cap-and-trade system

China is preparing to announce plans to launch a national system to limit greenhouse gases and force industries to purchase pollution credits, Obama administration officials said Thursday.

Lucasfilm shows off VR prototype for 'Star Wars' filmmaking

Before a planet in a galaxy far, far away is completely constructed inside a computer or entirely built somewhere in the real world, "Star Wars" filmmakers are now able to visit it in virtual reality before production commences.

Audit finds slipshod cybersecurity at HealthCare.gov

The government stored sensitive personal information on millions of health insurance customers in a computer system with basic security flaws, according to an official audit that uncovered slipshod practices.

Branson outlines world powered by wind, solar power

Entrepreneur Richard Branson outlined a vision of the world powered by renewable energy and said it would be "pretty dreadful" if a forthcoming UN climate summit is not a success.

California regulators restore emissions-cutting fuel rule

California regulators on Friday restored ambitious rules to cut transportation fuel emissions 10 percent within 5 years, a decision that gives Gov. Jerry Brown a boost for his climate change agenda.

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