
How virtual reality can manipulate our minds

It is often said that you should not believe everything you see on the internet. But with the advent of immersive technology – like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) – this becomes more than doubly true.

New single-photon microwave source developed

A collaboration including researchers at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) has developed a tuneable, high-efficiency, single-photon microwave source. The technology has great potential for applications in quantum computing ...

Defects, electrons, and a long-standing controversy

Faster, more energy-efficient electronics could be created with topological insulators, which carry an electrical charge on just the surface, while the interior acts as an insulator. Scientists are delving into how the material's ...

Designing ultrasound tools with Lego-like proteins

Ultrasound imaging is used around the world to help visualize developing babies and diagnose disease. Sound waves bounce off the tissues, revealing their different densities and shapes. The next step in ultrasound technology ...

The robots are coming – and they are here to help

As Europe's population ages, the number of people requiring rehabilitation following neurological diseases such as stroke is expected to rise. Specialist care from physiotherapists and occupational therapists offers a chance ...

Interface engineering for stable perovskite solar cells

The lifetime of perovskite solar cells is significantly enhanced by using few-layer molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) flakes as an active buffer interface layer. Researchers from the Graphene Flagship show that interface engineering ...

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