
New method in synthesis and development for pharmaceuticals

A new research, affiliated with UNIST has been highlighted on the inside front cover of the June issue of the prestigious journal Chemical Communications. The key finding of this study is the development of new synthetic ...

Purslane production practices enhance nutritional value

Although purslane (Portulaca oleracea) is considered a problematic weed in the United States, it is grown and consumed as a leafy vegetable throughout much of Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Mexico. Valued for its nutritional ...

Geodetic reference system enables highly accurate positioning

How many millimeters has the sea level risen? How fast are the continents moving? How big is the impact of high and low pressure areas on the altitude of landmasses? In order to answer these questions, measurements are being ...

A look at the molecular quality assurance within cells

Proteins fulfill vital functions in our body. They transport substances, combat pathogens, and function as catalysts. In order for these processes to function reliably, proteins must adopt a defined three-dimensional structure. ...

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