
Plants quick to let their flowers fade for protection

Microbes growing on flowers have adverse effects on their yields. This is why plants are quick to shed their flowers, reveals a new study involving both field experiments and plant microbiome analysis.

Extreme heat exposure worsens child malnutrition

Exposure to extreme heat increases both chronic and acute malnutrition among infants and young children in low-income countries—threatening to reverse decades of progress, Cornell University research finds.

Researchers find key to solving serious wine grape issue

Grapevine Trunk Diseases, or GTDs, are the bane of vineyard owners worldwide, and as of 2012, were responsible for more than $1.5 billion in annual economic damages. While researchers have long known that a host of pathogenic ...

New leap in understanding nickel oxide superconductors

A new study shows that nickel oxide superconductors, which conduct electricity with no loss at higher temperatures than conventional superconductors do, contain a type of quantum matter called charge density waves, or CDWs, ...

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