
Australian cities are lagging behind in greening up their buildings

Covering roofs and walls of buildings with vegetation is a good way of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. And these green roofs and walls make cities look nicer. Toronto's central business district adopted a policy of establishing ...

The strange origins of the free speech warriors

Many free speech warriors today base their position on a proclamation articulated by Oliver Wendell Holmes, the early 20th century United States Supreme Court justice.

The tools humanity will need for living in the year 1 trillion

Since the 1990s, astrophysicists have known that for the past few billion years, the Universe has been experiencing an accelerated rate of expansion. This gave rise to the theory that the Universe is permeated by a mysterious ...

The fifty-percenters: the economic value of education

Almost half of young people in the UK now go to university. Who gets in – and what and where they study – affects a person's place in society and their future earnings, as well as the skills available to the job market. ...

Image: Chaotic clouds of Jupiter

This image captures swirling cloud belts and tumultuous vortices within Jupiter's northern hemisphere.

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