
Watching boys become fathers

How young men adapt to fatherhood and whether being a father can speed up becoming an adult is to be examined in new research.

Explaining genome pairs

Scientists have unraveled how the cell replication process destabilizes when it has more, or less, than a pair of chromosome sets, each of which is called a genomeā€”a major step toward understanding chromosome instability ...

Emerging magnetism on vibrating non-magnetic layers

A team of researchers, affiliated with South Korea's Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) has demonstrated the possibility to induce and control a magnetic response in a nonmagnetic layer material though ...

Scientists hold key to winning fight against 'fake news'

On March 27, 2015, astronaut Scott Kelly rode a rocket to the International Space Station. Waving up at him from Earth was Mark Kelly, his mustachioed twin brother. While they were 400 vertical kilometres apart, NASA scientists ...

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