
The future of sonar in semiheated oceans

Scientists are studying how climate change will affect the speed of sound under water to help prepare the U.S. Navy for operating in progressively warmer oceans.

TGAC trains the next generation of rice breeders in Vietnam

Scientists from The Genome Analysis Centre (TGAC) in partnership with Agricultural Genetics Institute (AGI) begin their bioinformatics training programme in Vietnam to identify 600 rice varieties to accelerate crop breeding.

Bridging the 'gray divide'

While close to 99 percent of seniors aged 65 and older in the United States and Europe use mobile phones, there appears to be a "gray divide" in how seniors use information and communication technology, according to a Ben-Gurion ...

Could optical clocks redefine the length of a second?

GPS-based navigation, communication systems, electrical power grids and financial networks all rely on the precise time kept by a network of around 500 atomic clocks located around the world.

New veterinary research helps distinguish accidents from abuse

A veterinarian sees a canine patient with severe rib and head injuries whose cause of injury is unknown. Without having witnessed the incident, how can the veterinary professional distinguish an accident from abuse?

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