
The first 3-D atlas of the extinct dodo

The dodo represents one of the best-known examples of extinction caused by humans, yet we know surprisingly little about this flightless pigeon from a scientific perspective. Now, for the first time since its extinction, ...

How astronomers could find the 'real' planet Krypton

The search for exoplanets, worlds orbiting stars other than our own, has become a major field of research in the last decade – with nearly 2,000 such planets discovered to date. So the release of Batman v Superman: Dawn ...

Protein recipe requires precise timing

The activation of genes is a complicated biochemical endeavor akin to cooking a meal, and a new Yale study details just how precisely choreographed those steps need to be.

Antarctic birds recognize individual humans

You may have heard of crows, magpies, and mockingbirds recognizing individual people. These birds live among people, so it may be natural that they learn to differentiate people. But what about the animals that live in remote ...

Evaporated whisky inspires new type of coating technique

(Phys.org)—A team of researchers at Princeton University, along with assistance from a photographer in Arizona, has uncovered the secret behind why whisky does not leave behind "coffee rings" when in dries. In their paper ...

New research ensures car LCDs work in extreme cold, heat

One of UCF's most prolific inventors has solved a stubborn problem: How to keep the electronic displays in your car working, whether you're driving in the frigid depths of winter or under the broiling desert sun.

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