
The aesthetic appearance of concrete is controversial

Is a perfect concrete wall concrete without big pores? The aesthetic appearance of concrete is a controversial subject among developers, architects and building contractors. What does look like anyway? What is it that makes ...

Flexible nanosensors for wearable devices

A new method developed at the Institute of Optoelectronics Systems and Microtechnology (ISOM) from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) will enable the fabrication of optical nanosensors capable of sticking on uneven ...

The world's first printed jet engine

Monash University researchers along with collaborators from CSIRO and Deakin University have printed a jet engine. In fact Monash and their spin-out company Amaero, have printed two engines. One is on display this week at ...

Hidden physics make fish glitter

A theory borrowed from physics to understand how electrons move in semiconductors may explain the silvery mirror-like appearance of many fish, recent research suggests.

Passive Facebook use undermines how a person feels

Using Facebook only to scroll through your news feed or browse other people's profiles can have a negative impact on your well-being, says a University of Michigan researcher.

Extreme science in the Arctic

A research team from Northwestern University was dropped by helicopter in the desolate wilderness of Greenland with four weeks of provisions and the goal of collecting ancient specimens preserved in Arctic lakebeds.

Automated system enables unmanned aircraft to land

QUT unmanned aircraft researchers have made what's believed to be a world-first breakthrough for small unmanned aircraft (UA) under 20 kilograms, developing an automated emergency landing system (AELS) that has enabled the ...

New nanowire structure absorbs light efficiently

Researchers at Aalto University have developed a new method to implement different types of nanowires side-by-side into a single array on a single substrate. The new technique makes it possible to use different semiconductor ...

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