
Silicon micro-funnels increase the efficiency of solar cells

The fovea centralis, or fovea for short, sits in the middle of the Macula lutea (or macula) of the retina, where the slender, funnel-like ocular cones are especially closely packed together. We see an image with greatest ...

Britain clamps down on cold-calling epidemic

Companies that bombard customers with nuisance calls and texts could face large fines under changes to British law announced Wednesday that make it easier for regulators to take action.

Oat breakfast cereals may contain a common mold-related toxin

Oats are often touted for boosting heart health, but scientists warn that the grain and its products might need closer monitoring for potential mold contamination. They report in ACS' Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry ...

Climate-warmed leaves change lake ecosystems, study finds

Rising soil temperatures significantly affect autumn leaves and consequently the food web, appearance and biochemical makeup of the lakes and ponds those leaves fall into, a Dartmouth College-led study finds.

A new sungrazing comet may brighten in the evening sky

A newly-discovered comet may soon become bright enough to see from a sky near you. Originally dubbed SOHO-2875, it was spotted in photos taken by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) earlier this week. Astronomer ...

Electric-car driving range and emissions depend on where you live

Many car buyers weighing whether they should go all electric to help the planet have at least one new factor to consider before making the switch: geography. Based on a study of a commercially available electric car, scientists ...

New technology light-weight electric buses charge while operating

Helsinki Region Transport and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd will launch an extensive joint pilot to introduce highly efficient light-weight electric buses. Buses have technology to charge their batteries in ...

Magnetic nanoparticles enhance performance of solar cells

Magnetic nanoparticles can increase the performance of solar cells made from polymers - provided the mix is right. This is the result of an X-ray study at DESY's synchrotron radiation source PETRA III. Adding about one per ...

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