
Lima billboard is tapped for drinking water

(Phys.org)—A billboard in Lima, Peru, created by ad agency Mayo DraftCFB in collaboration with the University of Engineering and Technology (UTEC), captures the air's humidity and turns it into potable water for Lima residents. ...

Risks of nanomaterials under the microscope

Nanotechnology is continually increasing in terms of research, economic and social significance. However, working with synthetic nanomaterials also conceals risks. Empa has produced a study for the Federal Office for the ...

Lessons for our reefs in Caribbean study

(Phys.org)—Many Caribbean coral reefs have either stopped growing or are on the threshold of starting to erode, which new evidence has revealed.

Climate change linked to declines in labour productivity

Increases in humidity caused as a result of climate change are reducing labour productivity and it's only likely to get worse over time, argue researchers from America's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Nearby ancient star is almost as old as the Universe

A metal-poor star located merely 190 light-years from the Sun is 14.46+-0.80 billion years old, which implies that the star is nearly as old as the Universe! Those results emerged from a new study led by Howard Bond. Such ...

Highly energy-efficient CMOS logic systems

Non-volatile bistable memory circuits being developed by Satoshi Sugahara and his team at Tokyo Tech pave the way for highly energy-efficient CMOS logic systems. The details are described in the February 2013 issue of Tokyo ...

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