
Cellular scaffolding rewired to make microscopic railways

Princeton researchers have learned to harness the gossamer scaffolding that maintains the structure of living cells and used it to develop a nanotechnology platform. The technique eventually could lead to advances in soft ...

How HIV smuggles its genetic material into the cell nucleus

Each year, about 1 million individuals worldwide become infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. To replicate and spread the infection, the virus must smuggle its genetic material into the cell nucleus and integrate ...

Trying to make fashion friendlier to the environment

That new pair of jeans you've been eyeing won't only cost your wallet but the planet too, and a group of high schoolers want to change that. The Washington State Legislative Youth Advisory Council, composed of 22 high school ...

Colombia declares emergency over raging forest fires

Colombia has declared a state of emergency in two regions as dozens of forest fires burned wide swathes of the country and left the capital choking on smoke during record temperatures linked with the El Niño weather phenomenon.

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