
How big does your quantum computer need to be?

Quantum computers are expected to be disruptive and potentially impact many industry sectors. So researchers in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands decided to explore two very different quantum problems: breaking the encryption ...

Neural network quantifies P-integral in solids

Researchers have recently proposed the concept of ionization integral (P-int) to quantify the strength of plasma effect. This is the first time that nonlinear effects have been quantified experimentally. Relevant results ...

Studying the big bang with artificial intelligence

It could hardly be more complicated: tiny particles whir around wildly with extremely high energy, countless interactions occur in the tangled mess of quantum particles, and this results in a state of matter known as "quark-gluon ...

General public misunderstands carbon-tax rebates in Canada

Taxing corporations and consumers for the amount of carbon emissions they generate can be a great way to deal with climate change—so say many leading politicians, economists and environmental activists. In Canada, we've ...

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