
Black hole is 30 times expected size

The central supermassive black hole of a recently discovered galaxy is far larger than should be possible, according to current theories of galactic evolution. New work, carried out by astronomers at Keele University and ...

Research to address mobility of unexploded ordnance on beaches

Hidden dangers on America's beaches include not only much-publicized shark attacks and rip currents but also unexploded ordnance, a term used to describe undetonated explosives including bombs, shells, grenades and mines.

The Queen reigns supreme this wildflower season

Seven years after propagating its rare seeds, Kings Park scientists are celebrating the first flowers in their population of the elusive southern Queen of Sheba orchids (Thelymitra variegata).

'Volkswagen crisis' bad news for German companies

Volkswagen (VW), one of the world's biggest vehicle manufacturers, has admitted to programming around 11 million of its cars to detect when they were being tested and alter the running of their diesel engines to hide the ...

Germany: VW cars with suspect software in Europe too

The software at the center of Volkswagen's emissions scandal in the U.S. was built into the automaker's cars in Europe as well, Germany said Thursday, though it isn't yet clear if it helped cheat tests as it did in the U.S.

Asia hit hardest by natural disasters in 2014: report

Asia was the continent hit hardest by natural disasters in 2014, with China getting the worst of it with 58 million people affected, according to an annual report released Thursday in Geneva.

Blacklists protect the rainforest

Brazil's public authorities regularly publish "blacklists" of municipalities with high illegal deforestation rates. This environmental policy tool is working: scientists at the Center for Development Research (ZEF) and the ...

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