
Coronal mass ejections at Mars

Looking across the Mars landscape presents a bleak image: a barren, dry rocky view as far as the eye can see. But scientists think the vista might once have been quite different. It may have teemed with water and even been ...

Evidence of gravity waves clouded by interstellar dust

In March, scientists working on the BICEP2 experiment, a microwave telescope based at the South Pole, announced that they had seen 'gravity waves' from the early universe, created just after the Big Bang. Ever since the announcement, ...

Solar explosions inside a computer

Strong solar flares can bring down communications and power grids on Earth. By demonstrating how these gigantic eruptions are caused, ETH physicists are laying the foundations for future predictions.

Even without Tesla, electric car batteries can help California

California leaders are wringing their hands now that Tesla Motors has chosen Nevada as the site for its planned $5 billion "gigafactory." Lost to California is a battery superfactory with 6,500 on-site jobs, plus thousands ...

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