
Solving the seagrass crisis

The world's seagrass meadows are in diabolical trouble – but Australian scientists say we can still save them if we act early, even as sea levels rise.

New methods increases food and bioenergy production from cassava

New ways to utilize starch from cassava can provide food to an additional 30 million people without taking more arable land than today. By 2030 the figure will be 100 million. In addition, the same land can also contribute ...

Crowd safety via sensing app

A smart phone app points people the way, assists event organisers in preventing emergency cases and turns its creators into technology entrepreneurs.

Balkans gold rush prompts pollution fears

Plans by mining companies to dig for gold in Romania and Greece have triggered massive opposition, with academics and environmentalists stressing that risks far outweigh benefits for the Balkan nations.

Designing the classroom of the future

The integration of ICT into every day teaching can have a positive impact on student knowledge and understanding, and can help teachers deliver stimulating and motivating classes.

Nature's distress call is getting louder, new report shows

Governments will gather today in Stockholm to start considering the final text for the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group 1 report, widely expected to highlight the drivers of climate change.

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