
Test for damp ground at Mars streaks finds none

Seasonal dark streaks on Mars that have become one of the hottest topics in interplanetary research don't hold much water, according to the latest findings from a NASA spacecraft orbiting Mars.

Scientists develop new techniques to track how cells develop

Understanding how various cell types differentiate themselves during development is one of the fundamental questions in developmental biology. Using genome-editing tools, Harvard scientists are getting closer to finding answers.

Funneling fundamental particles

Neutrinos are tricky. Although trillions of these harmless, neutral particles pass through us every second, they interact so rarely with matter that, to study them, scientists send a beam of neutrinos to giant detectors. ...

Researchers moving forward with neutrino experiments

Approximately 100 trillion neutrinos bombard your body every second—but you don't notice these ghostly subatomic particles. Because they are electrically neutral and interact with other matter via the weak force, their ...

Silicon nanoparticles trained to juggle light

A team of physicists from ITMO University (Saint Petersburg) and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) has demonstrated the potential of silicon nanoparticles for effective non-linear light manipulation. Their ...

LiH mediates low-temperature ammonia synthesis

Nearly half of the world's population is fed by industrial N2 fixation, i. e., the Harbor-Bosch process. Although exergonic in nature, NH3 synthesis from N2 and H2 catalyzed by the fused Fe has to be conducted at elevated ...

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