
Image: A hubble cosmic couple

Here we see the spectacular cosmic pairing of the star Hen 2-427—more commonly known as WR 124—and the nebula M1-67 which surrounds it. Both objects, captured here by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope are found in the ...

Ants self-medicate to fight disease

We humans have been using self-medication to cure the illnesses since the dawn of our species. There is some evidence that also other animals can exhibit this type of behavior, but the evidence has been hard to come by.

Genomes uncover life's early history

A University of Manchester scientist is part of a team which has carried out one of the biggest ever analyses of genomes on life of all forms.

Researchers provide experimental foundation for optical computing

Someday, our computers, nanoantennas and other kinds of equipment may operate on the basis of photons rather than electrons. Even now, researchers are preparing to accomplish this technological switch. An international group ...

Boaters mapping Pacific garbage arrive in San Francisco

Far away from California's coast, where the Pacific Ocean currents swirl, the blue of the sea was replaced by fishing nets, buckets, buoys, laundry baskets and unidentifiable pieces of plastic that floated past the Ocean ...

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