
'Unprecedented' Japan heatwave kills 65 in one week

An "unprecedented" heatwave in Japan has killed at least 65 people in one week, government officials said Tuesday, with the weather agency now classifying the record-breaking weather as a "natural disaster."

Understanding insects

Salt may play a key role in thriving grasshopper, locust and other bug populations that can cause close to a billion dollars in damage to crops annually when left unchecked, according to new research led by University of ...

Researchers find new way to target flu virus

There's a hitch in the swing of a protein that delivers the flu virus. Rice University and Baylor College of Medicine researchers believe this mechanism may be a useful target to stop the virus from infecting cells.

Improving biosensors for implantable use

EPFL scientists have developed new nanotube biosensors using synthetic biology, which improves their sensing capabilities in complex biofluids, such as blood and urine. The study is published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry ...

Designer molecule kills malarial parasites

A research team from ANUĀ and The University of Queensland has designed and made a molecule derived from a human protein that kills the parasite which causes malaria.

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