
How a job acquires a gender (and less authority if it's female)

"I'm not bossy, I'm the boss." So proclaims Beyoncé in a video in support of the #banbossy campaign. The campaign highlights how when little boys take charge, they're often praised for being a "leader." But when little girls ...

Smart sensors could save lives

3-D-printed, disposable sensors capable of detecting noxious gases and changes in temperature and humidity, could revolutionize environmental monitoring.

Hugs, drugs and choices—helping traumatised animals

Rosie, like a real-life Babe, ran away from an organic piggery when she was only a few days old. She was found wandering in a car park, highly agitated, by a family who took her home and made her their live-in pet. However, ...

New material emits white light when exposed to electricity

Scientists at Nagoya University have developed a new way to make stimuli-responsive materials in a predictable manner. They used this method to design a new material, a mixture of carbon nanorings and iodine, which conducts ...

Quantum computing building blocks

For decades scientists have known that a quantum computer—a device that stores and manipulates information in quantum objects such as atoms or photons—could theoretically perform certain calculations far faster than today's ...

Observing fracture in stressed materials

Ever wondered, while cruising at 36,000 feet over the Atlantic, what would happen if a piece of satellite, asteroid, or other debris collided with your aircraft?

Healthy sharks sustain healthy oceans

A team from The University of Western Australia has completed a four month research expedition looking for signs of healthy coral reefs in the remote Kimberley. They observed an unexpectedly high number of sharks in the region, ...

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