
Smaller and smarter antennas for military use

When it comes to protecting the men and women of the armed forces, University of Wisconsin-Madison researcher Nader Behdad focuses his work on an obstacle most people wouldn't associate with combat: the physical limitations ...

Genomics research to benefit wine and biodiversity

Two new research projects at the University of Adelaide will use leading genomic expertise and technologies to benefit the wine industry and biodiversity conservation.

High-resolution mapping produces ecological data

Beyond simple topographic data, high-resolution digital elevation models can provide estimates for a diverse range of ecological variables. But as shown in a recent study, higher resolution models do not always provide more ...

Innovative tornado panels installed in Montgomery home

With the 2011 Alabama tornado catastrophe still lingering in the minds of many, University of Alabama at Birmingham research has led to the creation of new technology designed to help save lives in a natural disaster.

Could stronger, tougher paper replace metal?

Researchers at the University of Maryland recently discovered that paper made of cellulose fibers is tougher and stronger the smaller the fibers get. For a long time, engineers have sought a material that is both strong (resistant ...

What sounds make us feel safe in public?

Rationally speaking, most people know that random, violent crime is rare. But that doesn't keep them from getting the creeps when they walk through a parking structure or other public place that's not well-lit or crowded.

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