
Much improved climate predictions from statistical mechanics

A study from the European Horizon 2020 TiPES project confirms that the large uncertainties of climate models used in the IPCC reports might be reduced considerably by the use of statistical mechanics. The technique, which ...

Imaging magnetic instabilities using laser accelerated protons

The magnetic structures resulting from a plasma instability predicted by the physicist Erich Weibel about 50 years ago have been evidenced at surprisingly large scales in a laser-driven plasma in the prestigious journal Nature ...

Order out of disorder in ice

The glass structure of a material is often believed to mimic its corresponding liquid. Polyamorphism between ices has been used as a guide to elucidate the properties of liquid water. But how many forms of amorphous ices ...

Transgenic rice lowers blood pressure of hypertensive rats

In the future, taking your blood pressure medication could be as simple as eating a spoonful of rice. This "treatment" could also have fewer side effects than current blood pressure medicines. As a first step, researchers ...

Neptune-sized planet discovered orbiting young, nearby star

For more than a decade, astronomers have searched for planets orbiting AU Microscopii, a nearby star still surrounded by a disk of debris left over from its formation. Now scientists using data from NASA's Transiting Exoplanet ...

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