
NASA image: Flying over an aurora

NASA astronaut Scott Kelly (@StationCDRKelly) captured photographs and video of auroras from the International Space Station on June 22, 2015.

Sensors and drones: Hi-tech sentinels for crops

The precision agriculture sector is expected to grow at a high rate over the coming years. This new way of farming is already a reality in northwest Italy, where technologies are being used to keep plants in a good state ...

Rapid chemical synthesis of proteins by a new amino acid partner

The development of new methods for the chemical synthesis of proteins is highly significant to access a range of proteins inaccessible by conventional approaches. Dr. Ivano Pusterla and Prof. Jeffery Bode of ETH-Zürich and ...

Researchers align atomic friction experiment

Working together to study friction on the atomic scale, researchers at UC Merced and the University of Pennsylvania have conducted the first atomic-scale experiments and simulations of friction at overlapping speeds.

High-Tc superconductivity found under high pressure

Drastic enhancement of superconducting transition temperature (Tc) can be induced by placing materials under high pressure, state Yoshihiro Kubozono and his team at Okayama University.

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