
Offshore wind farm revenues boost British Crown Estate

Offshore wind farms have helped generate record profits for Britain's Crown Estate, which administers a vast land and property portfolio nominally owned by Queen Elizabeth II but controlled by the state.

Nanowires could be the LEDs of the future

The latest research from the Niels Bohr Institute shows that LEDs made from nanowires will use less energy and provide better light. The researchers studied nanowires using X-ray microscopy and with this method they can pinpoint ...

New Sesotho-named dinosaur from South Africa

South African and Argentinian palaeontologists have discovered a new 200 million year old dinosaur from South Africa, and named it Sefapanosaurus, from the Sesotho word "sefapano".

Professor discovers new lichen species in city of Boulder

A University of Colorado Boulder scientist unexpectedly discovered two lichen species new to science in the same week while conducting research in Boulder Colorado, near the city's eastern limits.

Physicists observe magnetic 'devil's staircase'

(Phys.org)—Many hiking trails feature a "devil's staircase"—a set of steps that are often steep and difficult to climb. The devil's staircase is also the name of a mathematical function whose graph exhibits a jagged step-like ...

World's first full-color, flexible, skin-like display developed

Imagine a soldier who can change the color and pattern of his camouflage uniform from woodland green to desert tan at will. Or an office worker who could do the same with his necktie. Is someone at the wedding reception wearing ...

A hitch on the way to your smart home

Thanks to increasingly accessible and affordable home automation systems, your house will soon be able to do a lot of neat tricks.

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