
Research does not support the adage 'boys will be boys'

A study in social psychology recently completed at the University of Helsinki indicates that there are not many thoroughly girlish girls or boyish boys. It examines the girlishness and boyishness of Finnish adolescents completing ...

While the fetal clock develops, mom's behavior tells the time

During fetal development, before the biological clock starts ticking on its own, genes within the fetus's developing clock respond to rhythmic behavior in the mother, according to a new study publishing May 24th in the open-access ...

Statistical physics rejects theory of 'two Ukraines'

When reading news and analyses of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, researchers in Spain perceived many conflicting messages being transmitted. The most notable one is the theory of "two Ukraines" or the existence of ideologically ...

Developing next-generation superconducting cables

Researchers at Florida State University's Center for Advanced Power Systems (CAPS), in collaboration with Colorado-based Advanced Conductor Technologies, have demonstrated a new, ready-to-use superconducting cable system—an ...

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