
Norwegian company to separate oil and gas on the seabed

n simply raising water up to the deck and transporting chemicals down into a well, platforms on the Norwegian shelf use as much electrical energy as a large Norwegian town. A recently-established company has a more environmentally-friendly ...

Can 'scrubbing' your online identity save your reputation?

What happens when you Google yourself? For those worried about less than favorable search results or news stories, "scrubbing" has emerged as a popular approach to improving a poor online reputation. From celebrities and ...

Unearthing novel antibiotics to deal with the rise of superbugs

As doctors globally are warned that overconsumption of antibiotics has led to resistance to the drug – medical researchers are equally focussed on finding alternatives to treatments for bacterial infections, particularly ...

Carbon pricing under binding political constraints

In a new working paper titled "Carbon pricing under binding political constraints," MIT Institute for Data, Systems and Society doctoral candidate Jesse Jenkins and Sloan School of Management Assistant Professor Valerie Karplus ...

Newly synthesised molecules turn back biological clock

Scientists in Japan have designed new molecules that modify the circadian rhythm, opening the way to the possibility of managing jet lag and improving treatments for sleep disorders.

Drug delivery that hits the dot

Drug treatments are made more efficient by delivering them to specific sites in the body where they are needed. For example, specific targeting of anticancer drugs to tumour sites could reduce required doses, provide more ...

Fish ladders reconnect stream habitat

Roads and highways connect people to one another, much like rivers and stream connect fish populations. However, the culverts that allow water to flow under roadways can become obstacles for small-bodied fish, like minnows, ...

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