
We need the full picture to plan for climate change impacts

How can society plan for the future if we only look at individual issues in isolation? Climate change impact studies typically focus on a single sector such as agriculture, forestry or water, ignoring the implications of ...

Urgent action needed to close UK languages gap

The UK Government needs to urgently adopt a new, comprehensive languages strategy if it is to keep pace with its international competitors and reduce a skills deficit that has wide-reaching economic, political, and military ...

It's easier to defend against ransomware than you might think

Ransomware – malicious software that sneaks onto your computer, encrypts your data so you can't access it and demands payment for unlocking the information – has become an emerging cyberthreat. Several reports in the ...

Coral bleaching 'lifeboat' could be just beneath the surface

A report commissioned by the United Nations and co-authored by the University of Sydney's UNESCO Chair in Marine Science offers a glimmer of hope to those managing the impact of bleaching on the world's coral reefs, including ...

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