
Low temperature heterogeneous integration without glue

Realization of large scale photonic integration for one-chip optical routers is crucial for future optical networks and interconnection for big data transmission and artificial intelligence technology. To meet these technical ...

First movies of droplets getting blown up by x-ray laser

Researchers have made the first microscopic movies of liquids getting vaporized by the world's brightest X-ray laser at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. The new data could lead to better and ...

Are mystery Mars plumes caused by space weather?

Mysterious high-rise clouds seen appearing suddenly in the martian atmosphere on a handful of occasions may be linked to space weather, say Mars Express scientists.

Designing cities to combat climate change

Urban planners can take steps to reduce the heat cities may experience from climate change, but there would be other consequences and tradeoffs to consider, according to a study at Purdue University.

Study sheds light on environmental graphene interactions

The interactions between graphene and its environment have a significant influence on the use of this promising material by the semiconductor industry. Thanks to the comprehensive findings of an international research project, ...

Potential habitats for early life on Mars

Recently discovered evidence of carbonates beneath the surface of Mars points to a warmer and wetter environment in that planet's past. The presence of liquid water could have fostered the emergence of life.

Scientist battles to 'stem onslaught of pseudoscience'

A University of Leicester scientist has joined leading scientists from across Europe in raising an alarm over the 'pseudoscience' concerning regulation of compounds used in agriculture, healthcare and industry.

Image: Stellar association Vulpecula OB1

New stars are the lifeblood of our Galaxy, and there is enough material revealed by this Herschel infrared image to build stars for millions of years to come.

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