
Astronomers discover four new 'hot Jupiters'

An international team of astronomers has detected four new "hot Jupiter" exoplanets as part of the Next Generation Transit Survey (NGTS). The newly found alien worlds are at least 10% larger than Jupiter but less massive ...

PPE waste kills animals throughout the entire world

Face masks and gloves designed to protect us are, in fact, dangerous for the animals around us. Scientists from Leiden warn that throughout the world, on land and in the water, animals are ingesting corona waste, or getting ...

World-leading CubeSat satellites launched

UNSW Canberra Space's M2 CubeSat satellites successfully launched with Rocket Lab's "They Go Up So Fast' mission from New Zealand earlier today, representing a significant step forward in Australia's sovereign space capabilities.

Researchers discover hitchhiking bacteria

Imagine that you need to travel, but you don't have a car and you're dead broke. What do you do? Hitchhiking, of course! Leiden biologist found that certain bacteria use this very same tactic: their spores hop on motile bacteria ...

Largest-ever DNA mapping study of the Philippines

Over 50 millennia, at least five major immigration waves have successively populated the Philippines, the most comprehensive survey of genetic variations in the country to date shows. This Uppsala University study, published ...

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