
Modeling the human eye in a dish

Despite its small size relative to the rest of the body, the eye is one of the most complex organs of the human body and has been difficult to study in a lab. Now, researchers from Osaka University have developed a novel ...

Being happy with less: Money, children, time and balance

They may seem like fixed options: having many children like in Africa, or overconsuming like in many western countries. These choices, however, are not personal preferences but societal norms that people adhere to subconsciously. ...

COVID-19: 'Economics alone won't get us through this'

Jean-Pierre Danthine, an EPFL professor and the managing director of the Enterprise for Society Center (E4S), discusses the economic fallout of the COVID-19 crisis in Switzerland and worldwide, and argues that the future ...

Eco-bike aims to cut pollution in Kathmandu

Where there's a will, there's a way. The truth of that saying was revealed once again to Lance Rake when he traveled to Kathmandu, Nepal, last year to develop a delivery version of the bamboo bicycles for which he is known.

Chemists race to decode RNA of new coronavirus

As scientists around the world race to decode the coronavirus that has caused more than 15,000 deaths in a matter of months, a group of University of Chicago chemists are focusing on understanding how the virus's RNA works—which ...

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