
Nano-hinge—lubricated by light

Nanomachines could take over a variety of tasks in future. Some day they may be able to perform medical precision work in the human body or help analyze pathogens and pollutants in mobile laboratories. Scientists at the Max ...

An interesting twist on supercooled liquid water

Water is known to have various anomalous properties, and they are especially prominent below room temperature. For example, liquid water exhibits expansion when it is cooled below 4°C, and it keeps expanding when it is supercooled ...

Upper limit found for quantum world

The quantum world and our world of perception obey different natural laws. Leiden physicists search for the border between both worlds. Now they suggest an upper limit in a study reported in Physical Review Letters.

Multiple cosmic impacts 790,000 years ago

Approximately 790,000 years ago, there were multiple cosmic impacts on earth with global consequences. Geoscientists from Heidelberg University reached this conclusion after dating so-called tektites from various parts of ...

Study examines the phenomenon of 'surrogate granddads'

The number of families in which both parents work is increasing. But who looks after the children when the nursery school is closed? Female child minders and surrogate grandmas are very popular, but is childcare an appealing ...

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