
What happens to a couple's digital life after break up?

During a romantic relationship, a couple is likely to create, accumulate and share many digital possessions such as videos, photos, chat histories, and shared accounts like Netflix. These digital possessions can cue precious ...

Nano-cellulose water filters found to be highly effective

Filters of nano-cellulose have been tested in two Spanish factories and a Spanish water company, and are found to be highly effective. The tests conclude the EU-funded project Nano Select, led by Luleå University of Technology. ...

Here's how what you buy affects the environment

The world's workshop—China—surpassed the United States as the largest emitter of greenhouse gases on Earth in 2007. But if you consider that nearly all of the products that China produces, from iPhones to tee-shirts, ...

FBI vs Apple—giving up security and privacy could hurt us all

"You have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide" is an argument that is used often in the debate about surveillance. The latest incarnation of that debate is currently taking place in the case of the US government versus ...

Counting molecules with an ordinary cell phone

Diagnostic health care is often restricted in areas with limited resources, because the procedures required to detect many of the molecular markers that can diagnose diseases are too complex or expensive to be used outside ...

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