
Speedy, agile UAVs envisioned for troops in urban missions

Military teams patrolling dangerous urban environments overseas and rescue teams responding to disasters such as earthquakes or floods currently rely on remotely piloted unmanned aerial vehicles to provide a bird's-eye view ...

Autumn-sown crops produce better yield

Sowing non-legume perennial pastures such as chicory [Cichorium intybus L.] in early autumn rather than spring could increase productivity, according to CSIRO agricultural scientists.

How a white rot tackles freshly-cut food

Researchers sequenced and analyzed the white rot fungus Phlebiopsis gigantea, which can break down fresh-cut conifer sapwood. They also sequenced and analyzed the set of P. gigantea's secreted proteins (secretome) and the ...

Twitter maps UK regions happiest about Christmas

Researchers at The University of Manchester have identified Doncaster as being the most positive city in the UK about Christmas, whilst Oxford is the most negative.

Bacteria could be rich source for making terpenes

If you've ever enjoyed the scent of a pine forest or sniffed a freshly cut basil leaf, then you're familiar with terpenes. The compounds are responsible for the essential oils of plants and the resins of trees. Since the ...

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