
Pollution alarm as Greeks switch to firewood for heat

Greek authorities on Monday offered free electricity to low-income families on certain days, after smog rose sharply as hard-hit residents increasingly shun fuel for cheaper firewood to heat their homes.

British Antarctic survey field season is underway

On the eve of the centenary year of Ernest Shackleton's Endurance Expedition the ship which bears his name is playing a crucial role in the 2013/2014 British Antarctic Survey (BAS) field season.

Worldwide appeal finds last remaining Madagascan fish

Aquarists at ZSL London Zoo are celebrating the phenomenal success of a worldwide appeal to find a female mate for a critically-endangered fish species – after a small population was found in remote Madagascar.

Scientists identify top conservation threats and opportunities

Governments being forced to choose between preventing climate change or averting a financial crisis, carbon solar cells as an alternative source of energy and accelerated loss of rhinos and elephants are among 15 conservation ...

How to break free from the stifling grip of luxury journals

Last week was the most memorable week of my scientific career. Accompanied by family, friends and colleagues, I was honoured with the award of a Nobel Prize in an unforgettable ceremony and banquet. That same week, I also ...

Change in geometry improves aerodynamics

Kids and dogs understand the force of air, when they stick their hands and heads out of moving cars only to feel them pushed back. It may be invisible, but air is like a see-through net dragging a vehicle back as it strains ...

Monitoring pilot alertness for solar impulse (w/ Video)

Pilot and psychiatrist Bertrand Piccard just "landed" after 72 hours of simulated flight across the Atlantic Ocean in Solar Impulse, a solar airplane which is equipped with advanced renewable technology. This second virtual ...

Roman 'Christmases' were similar to ours

When opening your presents or enjoying a night out this Christmas spare a quick thought for the Romans. We owe much of our festive fun to them.

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